Ghanaian comedian, Benson Nana Yaw Oduro Boateng, popularly known in Showbiz circles as Funny Face has allegedly accused fellow industrial player, Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin as murderer.
According to him, the Kumawood actor and other famous people in the industry forcefully lure women who they impregnate into abortion.
In a new post to blast Lilwin and his ex girlfriend Sandra Ababio, the Kasoa Vandamme said Sandra’s utterances were complicating things for Lilwin, who she claimed he was innocent after accusing him (Funny Face) of being a gay.
Funny Face admitted that although he had not been an angel but was responsible, thus cautioned Sandra to stop painting him black.
He explained that he claim full responsibility of his actions and never made any woman abort babies for him, stressing that he is now a proud father of twins.
“You sleep, impregnate women and make them abort the children rough rough,” Funny Face added.
He warned his adversaries to desist from painting him as the devil in the story, adding that he had people who were willing to testify against the “so called holy guys” and their testimony would send their girlfriends and trustworthy companions to coma.
The comedian however indicated that his emotional nature distinct him from the holy guys and would never stop being emotional to the truth.
“Yes I am emotional and very proud of it. It separates me from the others,” he added.
Funny Face also cursed all those who wished for his downfall in the industry, saying all their evil wishes would turn back to them in million folds and would never see peace in their lives.
The comedian and the actor’s beef started early this year and ever since they have not ceased fire from accusing each other.